Vérifié SH Pointshop By ✪DarKangeL✪ (Version


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

10 Février 2020


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

25 Mai 2017
merci t'es chaud


Master 🏆
Level 2

Torrents Stats

2 Février 2019
Voir la pièce jointe 10697


  • Create items from in-game! No need to mess with .lua files and what not. Design your cosmetic items with the SWEP Construction Kit or PAC3 and import them directly into SH Pointshop!
  • The favourite feature from SH Accessories is back! Is your hat clipping a bit into your model? Adjust it! You can slightly move, rotate and even scale it according to your player model!
  • Two currencies: Standard and Premium. Sell Premium currency in your favourite donation system for exclusive items!
  • Built-in integration for Trouble in Terrorist Town! Everything is set up for your players to earn points!
  • Support for modules to easily add new functionality to your Pointshop.
  • Best performance among Pointshop scripts. No useless DRM that only sucks up bandwidth. Absolutely lag and crash free unlike other similar scripts available.
  • Console commands available for your favourite donation system. See below!
  • Customizable theme for your UI - match your server's colours!
  • A few modules included with the script to enhance your experience: Clientside options, Item Manager, Points for Activity and Points Transfer.
  • Refined UI standards for a smooth experience; shopping for items has never felt so responsive before!
  • MySQL support for multi-server communities.
  • No MySQL server? No problem. The script supports saving to your server's local database (sv.db) - no need to set up anything!
  • Highly customizable configuration file to tailor the script to your finest needs.
  • Language support. Only one language provided at the moment: English. Contact me if you wish to provide a translation!
  • Content automatically downloaded via Steam Workshop.
The script is NOT guaranteed to be compatible with SH Accessories! You may get nasty errors if you try running both scripts at the same time!

Content that has been added for free during the script's lifespan:
  • Text Wearables: These are items that display coloured text on a preset body part of its wearer: head, face and behind. You can create these items in the Item Manager with no coding knowledge required. You can modify variables like text, colour, scale and whether it should be rainbow.
More to come!

Simply extract the sh_pointshop folder into your server's addons folder, edit the config files to your likings and restart the server - the script will work right away!

You can configure the add-on in the pointshop_config.lua and pointshop_database.lua files.

Items can be found in pointshop/items.

Modules can be found in pointshop/modules.

Languages can be found in pointshop/languages.

SH Pointshop includes a few commands which can be used in your favourite donation system to easily allow a player to access a specific job on the go.

sh_pointshop_add_standard_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_premium_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_item "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
sh_pointshop_add_item_once "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
??????? :

??????????? :
Addon permettant d'équiper une multitude d'objet, d'équipement, de bonus, etc.

Oublie pas le Content: [Hidden Content]

ScriptFodder: https://gmodstore.com/market/view/sh-pointshop

Mon Steam: [Hidden Content][Hidden Content]

Téléchargement : [Hidden Content]
super merci beaucoup


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

28 Septembre 2017
Merci pour ton partgage mec ses supercool


Membre 🏅
Level 2

Torrents Stats

15 Mars 2020
Merci du partage


l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

8 Avril 2020
Merci beaucoup mec tu gère !


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

4 Août 2017
This addon est genial!


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

19 Août 2017
Ťhank u very much

dark yra

l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

25 Février 2019
Voir la pièce jointe 10697


  • Create items from in-game! No need to mess with .lua files and what not. Design your cosmetic items with the SWEP Construction Kit or PAC3 and import them directly into SH Pointshop!
  • The favourite feature from SH Accessories is back! Is your hat clipping a bit into your model? Adjust it! You can slightly move, rotate and even scale it according to your player model!
  • Two currencies: Standard and Premium. Sell Premium currency in your favourite donation system for exclusive items!
  • Built-in integration for Trouble in Terrorist Town! Everything is set up for your players to earn points!
  • Support for modules to easily add new functionality to your Pointshop.
  • Best performance among Pointshop scripts. No useless DRM that only sucks up bandwidth. Absolutely lag and crash free unlike other similar scripts available.
  • Console commands available for your favourite donation system. See below!
  • Customizable theme for your UI - match your server's colours!
  • A few modules included with the script to enhance your experience: Clientside options, Item Manager, Points for Activity and Points Transfer.
  • Refined UI standards for a smooth experience; shopping for items has never felt so responsive before!
  • MySQL support for multi-server communities.
  • No MySQL server? No problem. The script supports saving to your server's local database (sv.db) - no need to set up anything!
  • Highly customizable configuration file to tailor the script to your finest needs.
  • Language support. Only one language provided at the moment: English. Contact me if you wish to provide a translation!
  • Content automatically downloaded via Steam Workshop.
The script is NOT guaranteed to be compatible with SH Accessories! You may get nasty errors if you try running both scripts at the same time!

Content that has been added for free during the script's lifespan:
  • Text Wearables: These are items that display coloured text on a preset body part of its wearer: head, face and behind. You can create these items in the Item Manager with no coding knowledge required. You can modify variables like text, colour, scale and whether it should be rainbow.
More to come!

Simply extract the sh_pointshop folder into your server's addons folder, edit the config files to your likings and restart the server - the script will work right away!

You can configure the add-on in the pointshop_config.lua and pointshop_database.lua files.

Items can be found in pointshop/items.

Modules can be found in pointshop/modules.

Languages can be found in pointshop/languages.

SH Pointshop includes a few commands which can be used in your favourite donation system to easily allow a player to access a specific job on the go.

sh_pointshop_add_standard_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_premium_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_item "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
sh_pointshop_add_item_once "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
??????? :

??????????? :
Addon permettant d'équiper une multitude d'objet, d'équipement, de bonus, etc.

Oublie pas le Content: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

ScriptFodder: https://gmodstore.com/market/view/sh-pointshop

Mon Steam: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

8 Juillet 2019
Voir la pièce jointe 10697


  • Create items from in-game! No need to mess with .lua files and what not. Design your cosmetic items with the SWEP Construction Kit or PAC3 and import them directly into SH Pointshop!
  • The favourite feature from SH Accessories is back! Is your hat clipping a bit into your model? Adjust it! You can slightly move, rotate and even scale it according to your player model!
  • Two currencies: Standard and Premium. Sell Premium currency in your favourite donation system for exclusive items!
  • Built-in integration for Trouble in Terrorist Town! Everything is set up for your players to earn points!
  • Support for modules to easily add new functionality to your Pointshop.
  • Best performance among Pointshop scripts. No useless DRM that only sucks up bandwidth. Absolutely lag and crash free unlike other similar scripts available.
  • Console commands available for your favourite donation system. See below!
  • Customizable theme for your UI - match your server's colours!
  • A few modules included with the script to enhance your experience: Clientside options, Item Manager, Points for Activity and Points Transfer.
  • Refined UI standards for a smooth experience; shopping for items has never felt so responsive before!
  • MySQL support for multi-server communities.
  • No MySQL server? No problem. The script supports saving to your server's local database (sv.db) - no need to set up anything!
  • Highly customizable configuration file to tailor the script to your finest needs.
  • Language support. Only one language provided at the moment: English. Contact me if you wish to provide a translation!
  • Content automatically downloaded via Steam Workshop.
The script is NOT guaranteed to be compatible with SH Accessories! You may get nasty errors if you try running both scripts at the same time!

Content that has been added for free during the script's lifespan:
  • Text Wearables: These are items that display coloured text on a preset body part of its wearer: head, face and behind. You can create these items in the Item Manager with no coding knowledge required. You can modify variables like text, colour, scale and whether it should be rainbow.
More to come!

Simply extract the sh_pointshop folder into your server's addons folder, edit the config files to your likings and restart the server - the script will work right away!

You can configure the add-on in the pointshop_config.lua and pointshop_database.lua files.

Items can be found in pointshop/items.

Modules can be found in pointshop/modules.

Languages can be found in pointshop/languages.

SH Pointshop includes a few commands which can be used in your favourite donation system to easily allow a player to access a specific job on the go.

sh_pointshop_add_standard_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_premium_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_item "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
sh_pointshop_add_item_once "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
??????? :

??????????? :
Addon permettant d'équiper une multitude d'objet, d'équipement, de bonus, etc.

Oublie pas le Content: [Hidden content]

ScriptFodder: https://gmodstore.com/market/view/sh-pointshop

Mon Steam: [Hidden content][Hidden content]

Téléchargement : [Hidden content]
OMG it's a good addons! hope it working


l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

3 Octobre 2019
Voir la pièce jointe 10697


  • Create items from in-game! No need to mess with .lua files and what not. Design your cosmetic items with the SWEP Construction Kit or PAC3 and import them directly into SH Pointshop!
  • The favourite feature from SH Accessories is back! Is your hat clipping a bit into your model? Adjust it! You can slightly move, rotate and even scale it according to your player model!
  • Two currencies: Standard and Premium. Sell Premium currency in your favourite donation system for exclusive items!
  • Built-in integration for Trouble in Terrorist Town! Everything is set up for your players to earn points!
  • Support for modules to easily add new functionality to your Pointshop.
  • Best performance among Pointshop scripts. No useless DRM that only sucks up bandwidth. Absolutely lag and crash free unlike other similar scripts available.
  • Console commands available for your favourite donation system. See below!
  • Customizable theme for your UI - match your server's colours!
  • A few modules included with the script to enhance your experience: Clientside options, Item Manager, Points for Activity and Points Transfer.
  • Refined UI standards for a smooth experience; shopping for items has never felt so responsive before!
  • MySQL support for multi-server communities.
  • No MySQL server? No problem. The script supports saving to your server's local database (sv.db) - no need to set up anything!
  • Highly customizable configuration file to tailor the script to your finest needs.
  • Language support. Only one language provided at the moment: English. Contact me if you wish to provide a translation!
  • Content automatically downloaded via Steam Workshop.
The script is NOT guaranteed to be compatible with SH Accessories! You may get nasty errors if you try running both scripts at the same time!

Content that has been added for free during the script's lifespan:
  • Text Wearables: These are items that display coloured text on a preset body part of its wearer: head, face and behind. You can create these items in the Item Manager with no coding knowledge required. You can modify variables like text, colour, scale and whether it should be rainbow.
More to come!

Simply extract the sh_pointshop folder into your server's addons folder, edit the config files to your likings and restart the server - the script will work right away!

You can configure the add-on in the pointshop_config.lua and pointshop_database.lua files.

Items can be found in pointshop/items.

Modules can be found in pointshop/modules.

Languages can be found in pointshop/languages.

SH Pointshop includes a few commands which can be used in your favourite donation system to easily allow a player to access a specific job on the go.

sh_pointshop_add_standard_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_premium_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_item "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
sh_pointshop_add_item_once "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
??????? :

??????????? :
Addon permettant d'équiper une multitude d'objet, d'équipement, de bonus, etc.

Oublie pas le Content: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

ScriptFodder: https://gmodstore.com/market/view/sh-pointshop

Mon Steam: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

17 Février 2017


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

25 Avril 2020
Voir la pièce jointe 10697


  • Create items from in-game! No need to mess with .lua files and what not. Design your cosmetic items with the SWEP Construction Kit or PAC3 and import them directly into SH Pointshop!
  • The favourite feature from SH Accessories is back! Is your hat clipping a bit into your model? Adjust it! You can slightly move, rotate and even scale it according to your player model!
  • Two currencies: Standard and Premium. Sell Premium currency in your favourite donation system for exclusive items!
  • Built-in integration for Trouble in Terrorist Town! Everything is set up for your players to earn points!
  • Support for modules to easily add new functionality to your Pointshop.
  • Best performance among Pointshop scripts. No useless DRM that only sucks up bandwidth. Absolutely lag and crash free unlike other similar scripts available.
  • Console commands available for your favourite donation system. See below!
  • Customizable theme for your UI - match your server's colours!
  • A few modules included with the script to enhance your experience: Clientside options, Item Manager, Points for Activity and Points Transfer.
  • Refined UI standards for a smooth experience; shopping for items has never felt so responsive before!
  • MySQL support for multi-server communities.
  • No MySQL server? No problem. The script supports saving to your server's local database (sv.db) - no need to set up anything!
  • Highly customizable configuration file to tailor the script to your finest needs.
  • Language support. Only one language provided at the moment: English. Contact me if you wish to provide a translation!
  • Content automatically downloaded via Steam Workshop.
The script is NOT guaranteed to be compatible with SH Accessories! You may get nasty errors if you try running both scripts at the same time!

Content that has been added for free during the script's lifespan:
  • Text Wearables: These are items that display coloured text on a preset body part of its wearer: head, face and behind. You can create these items in the Item Manager with no coding knowledge required. You can modify variables like text, colour, scale and whether it should be rainbow.
More to come!

Simply extract the sh_pointshop folder into your server's addons folder, edit the config files to your likings and restart the server - the script will work right away!

You can configure the add-on in the pointshop_config.lua and pointshop_database.lua files.

Items can be found in pointshop/items.

Modules can be found in pointshop/modules.

Languages can be found in pointshop/languages.

SH Pointshop includes a few commands which can be used in your favourite donation system to easily allow a player to access a specific job on the go.

sh_pointshop_add_standard_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_premium_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_item "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
sh_pointshop_add_item_once "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
??????? :

??????????? :
Addon permettant d'équiper une multitude d'objet, d'équipement, de bonus, etc.

Oublie pas le Content: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

ScriptFodder: https://gmodstore.com/market/view/sh-pointshop

Mon Steam: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

2 Janvier 2018


l'Accru 🥇
Level 2

Torrents Stats

22 Avril 2020
Voir la pièce jointe 10697


  • Create items from in-game! No need to mess with .lua files and what not. Design your cosmetic items with the SWEP Construction Kit or PAC3 and import them directly into SH Pointshop!
  • The favourite feature from SH Accessories is back! Is your hat clipping a bit into your model? Adjust it! You can slightly move, rotate and even scale it according to your player model!
  • Two currencies: Standard and Premium. Sell Premium currency in your favourite donation system for exclusive items!
  • Built-in integration for Trouble in Terrorist Town! Everything is set up for your players to earn points!
  • Support for modules to easily add new functionality to your Pointshop.
  • Best performance among Pointshop scripts. No useless DRM that only sucks up bandwidth. Absolutely lag and crash free unlike other similar scripts available.
  • Console commands available for your favourite donation system. See below!
  • Customizable theme for your UI - match your server's colours!
  • A few modules included with the script to enhance your experience: Clientside options, Item Manager, Points for Activity and Points Transfer.
  • Refined UI standards for a smooth experience; shopping for items has never felt so responsive before!
  • MySQL support for multi-server communities.
  • No MySQL server? No problem. The script supports saving to your server's local database (sv.db) - no need to set up anything!
  • Highly customizable configuration file to tailor the script to your finest needs.
  • Language support. Only one language provided at the moment: English. Contact me if you wish to provide a translation!
  • Content automatically downloaded via Steam Workshop.
The script is NOT guaranteed to be compatible with SH Accessories! You may get nasty errors if you try running both scripts at the same time!

Content that has been added for free during the script's lifespan:
  • Text Wearables: These are items that display coloured text on a preset body part of its wearer: head, face and behind. You can create these items in the Item Manager with no coding knowledge required. You can modify variables like text, colour, scale and whether it should be rainbow.
More to come!

Simply extract the sh_pointshop folder into your server's addons folder, edit the config files to your likings and restart the server - the script will work right away!

You can configure the add-on in the pointshop_config.lua and pointshop_database.lua files.

Items can be found in pointshop/items.

Modules can be found in pointshop/modules.

Languages can be found in pointshop/languages.

SH Pointshop includes a few commands which can be used in your favourite donation system to easily allow a player to access a specific job on the go.

sh_pointshop_add_standard_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_premium_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_item "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
sh_pointshop_add_item_once "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
??????? :

??????????? :
Addon permettant d'équiper une multitude d'objet, d'équipement, de bonus, etc.

Oublie pas le Content: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

ScriptFodder: https://gmodstore.com/market/view/sh-pointshop

Mon Steam: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

14 Mai 2016
Voir la pièce jointe 10697


  • Create items from in-game! No need to mess with .lua files and what not. Design your cosmetic items with the SWEP Construction Kit or PAC3 and import them directly into SH Pointshop!
  • The favourite feature from SH Accessories is back! Is your hat clipping a bit into your model? Adjust it! You can slightly move, rotate and even scale it according to your player model!
  • Two currencies: Standard and Premium. Sell Premium currency in your favourite donation system for exclusive items!
  • Built-in integration for Trouble in Terrorist Town! Everything is set up for your players to earn points!
  • Support for modules to easily add new functionality to your Pointshop.
  • Best performance among Pointshop scripts. No useless DRM that only sucks up bandwidth. Absolutely lag and crash free unlike other similar scripts available.
  • Console commands available for your favourite donation system. See below!
  • Customizable theme for your UI - match your server's colours!
  • A few modules included with the script to enhance your experience: Clientside options, Item Manager, Points for Activity and Points Transfer.
  • Refined UI standards for a smooth experience; shopping for items has never felt so responsive before!
  • MySQL support for multi-server communities.
  • No MySQL server? No problem. The script supports saving to your server's local database (sv.db) - no need to set up anything!
  • Highly customizable configuration file to tailor the script to your finest needs.
  • Language support. Only one language provided at the moment: English. Contact me if you wish to provide a translation!
  • Content automatically downloaded via Steam Workshop.
The script is NOT guaranteed to be compatible with SH Accessories! You may get nasty errors if you try running both scripts at the same time!

Content that has been added for free during the script's lifespan:
  • Text Wearables: These are items that display coloured text on a preset body part of its wearer: head, face and behind. You can create these items in the Item Manager with no coding knowledge required. You can modify variables like text, colour, scale and whether it should be rainbow.
More to come!

Simply extract the sh_pointshop folder into your server's addons folder, edit the config files to your likings and restart the server - the script will work right away!

You can configure the add-on in the pointshop_config.lua and pointshop_database.lua files.

Items can be found in pointshop/items.

Modules can be found in pointshop/modules.

Languages can be found in pointshop/languages.

SH Pointshop includes a few commands which can be used in your favourite donation system to easily allow a player to access a specific job on the go.

sh_pointshop_add_standard_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_premium_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_item "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
sh_pointshop_add_item_once "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
??????? :

??????????? :
Addon permettant d'équiper une multitude d'objet, d'équipement, de bonus, etc.

Oublie pas le Content: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

ScriptFodder: https://gmodstore.com/market/view/sh-pointshop

Mon Steam: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
merci bro !


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Juillet 2019
this is an epic pointshop wow wow wee waa


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

26 Mars 2020
Voir la pièce jointe 10697


  • Create items from in-game! No need to mess with .lua files and what not. Design your cosmetic items with the SWEP Construction Kit or PAC3 and import them directly into SH Pointshop!
  • The favourite feature from SH Accessories is back! Is your hat clipping a bit into your model? Adjust it! You can slightly move, rotate and even scale it according to your player model!
  • Two currencies: Standard and Premium. Sell Premium currency in your favourite donation system for exclusive items!
  • Built-in integration for Trouble in Terrorist Town! Everything is set up for your players to earn points!
  • Support for modules to easily add new functionality to your Pointshop.
  • Best performance among Pointshop scripts. No useless DRM that only sucks up bandwidth. Absolutely lag and crash free unlike other similar scripts available.
  • Console commands available for your favourite donation system. See below!
  • Customizable theme for your UI - match your server's colours!
  • A few modules included with the script to enhance your experience: Clientside options, Item Manager, Points for Activity and Points Transfer.
  • Refined UI standards for a smooth experience; shopping for items has never felt so responsive before!
  • MySQL support for multi-server communities.
  • No MySQL server? No problem. The script supports saving to your server's local database (sv.db) - no need to set up anything!
  • Highly customizable configuration file to tailor the script to your finest needs.
  • Language support. Only one language provided at the moment: English. Contact me if you wish to provide a translation!
  • Content automatically downloaded via Steam Workshop.
The script is NOT guaranteed to be compatible with SH Accessories! You may get nasty errors if you try running both scripts at the same time!

Content that has been added for free during the script's lifespan:
  • Text Wearables: These are items that display coloured text on a preset body part of its wearer: head, face and behind. You can create these items in the Item Manager with no coding knowledge required. You can modify variables like text, colour, scale and whether it should be rainbow.
More to come!

Simply extract the sh_pointshop folder into your server's addons folder, edit the config files to your likings and restart the server - the script will work right away!

You can configure the add-on in the pointshop_config.lua and pointshop_database.lua files.

Items can be found in pointshop/items.

Modules can be found in pointshop/modules.

Languages can be found in pointshop/languages.

SH Pointshop includes a few commands which can be used in your favourite donation system to easily allow a player to access a specific job on the go.

sh_pointshop_add_standard_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_premium_points "STEAMID" "AMOUNT"
sh_pointshop_add_item "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
sh_pointshop_add_item_once "STEAMID" "ITEM CLASS"
??????? :

??????????? :
Addon permettant d'équiper une multitude d'objet, d'équipement, de bonus, etc.

Oublie pas le Content: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

ScriptFodder: https://gmodstore.com/market/view/sh-pointshop

Mon Steam: [<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]



Master 🏆
Level 3

Torrents Stats

27 Novembre 2015
Haut Bas