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27 Décembre 2021
The text we are going to examine shows the thoughts of the authors concerning the common agricultural policy in Europe.

The CAP is a policy implemented by the European Union with the aim of developing and supporting the agriculture of the Member States.

Despite numerous attempts to establish a common agricultural policy, whether at national or even international level, the introduction of the CAP has not been easy in some countries such as France, Great Britain and Germany. Indeed these countries were composed of several very small producers, so a common policy could seriously threaten them. The CAP’s desire to expand all European agricultural infrastructure led to the «empty chair episode» where France’s opposition to the CAP. This challenge will lead to many changes such as the introduction of a minimum price for agricultural products and thus protect small producers. Nevertheless, this policy soon led to a large surplus in Europe.

Many reforms then took place to improve the competitiveness of European farms. In particular, there are regulations on the environment, animal welfare, plant protection and food safety

The intensification of agriculture inevitably leads to an increase in pollution, notably through the use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. At the beginning of the 90s, the awareness of ecology and the beginning of action to limit the harmful impact on the planet were discussed. Thus, it seems necessary for the EU to stop subsidies for the most polluting. It tries to increase productivity while respecting the environment or at least by making it appear, it is the Greenwashing.

The budget of the CAP is in a very large decline over time. In addition, despite the many subsidies granted to farmers that have caused high agricultural land price inflation, the agricultural sector is still one of the main contributors to biodiversity loss in Europe. According to the author, it is necessary to ask whether this policy will one day become greener.
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