macOS đŸ‘‘ Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 v24.1 (macOS) 👑


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15 FĂ©vrier 2025
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Adobe Premiere Pro Overview​

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional non-linear video editing software. The application provides high-quality video editing of 4K resolution and above, with 32-bit color, both in RGB and YUV color space. Audio sample editing, support for VST audio plugins (plug-in) and 5.1 surround audio tracks. The Premiere Pro plug-in architecture allows you to import and export QuickTime or DirectShow container content, and supports a wide range of video and audio formats from MacOS and Windows.

Key Features of Adobe Premiere Pro​

  • Ease of collaboration with group projects. Group projects allow multiple users to work on projects at the same time in the video editor in real time. Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC, and Prelude CC support built-in version control, conflict resolution, and activity tracking so that project participants can collaborate no matter where they are. These features are now available in Creative Cloud for teams and organizations.
  • Improved subtitles. New subtitle capabilities allow you to quickly perform text manipulation, change the duration and position of text, and create visible and disabled subtitles.
  • Lumetri Color improvements. New color picker options let you instantly select HSL secondary colors, work with HDR10 files, and enjoy improved support for color space metadata.
  • Faster operation of the Dynamic Link function. Acceleration eliminates intermediate rendering and provides higher frame rates during playback.
  • Automatic recognition in virtual reality mode. Premiere Pro automatically recognizes the VR video format (monoscopic, left/right stereoscopic, or top/bottom stereoscopic) and applies the appropriate settings.
  • Publishing to Behance. Publish videos directly to your Behance portfolio – no more exporting or uploading videos separately.
  • Function Dynamic Link with support for Character Animator. This feature eliminates intermediate rendering and improves performance when working with the integrated Character Animator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro applications.
  • Improved interactive text templates. The new file format lets you share Live Text templates between Premiere Pro and After Effects. It does not require a separate After Effects license.
  • New start interface. In the new launch window, novice users will see an overview of the application’s features, a video processing example, and tutorials that allow you to quickly create a project based on a template.
  • Synchronization of Typekit fonts. You no longer have to manually add missing fonts when working with interactive text templates. Fonts are automatically synced and updated from Typekit.
  • Audition sound effects. New sound effects work in real time and provide high quality and fidelity of sound transmission.
  • Assigning keyboard shortcuts. Quick visual search, change and create keyboard shortcuts.
  • Simplified media addition. For easy file management, you can merge multiple recorded clips into one file.
  • Improved performance. With support for Apple Metal technology and other GPU features, including Offset, you can work even faster.
  • Import of additional native formats. Premiere Pro now supports even more formats, including native QT DNxHD/DNxHR and RED Helium

Adobe Premiere Pro Screenshots​

Voir la piĂšce jointe 83186

How to use Adobe Premiere Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Premiere Pro.

  1. Make sure you have installed Adobe App v5.9.0 (disable app updates in settings), CC Runtime 2023.1 and AntiCC 1.7
  2. Open the terminal and enter these strings:
    sudo spctl –global-disable
    xattr -cr and drag the Premiere pro installer
  3. Install Premiere pro
  4. Apply Crack
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
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l'AffirmĂ© đŸ„ˆ
Level 1

Torrents Stats

16 Novembre 2020
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83185

Adobe Premiere Pro Overview​

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional non-linear video editing software. The application provides high-quality video editing of 4K resolution and above, with 32-bit color, both in RGB and YUV color space. Audio sample editing, support for VST audio plugins (plug-in) and 5.1 surround audio tracks. The Premiere Pro plug-in architecture allows you to import and export QuickTime or DirectShow container content, and supports a wide range of video and audio formats from MacOS and Windows.

Key Features of Adobe Premiere Pro​

  • Ease of collaboration with group projects. Group projects allow multiple users to work on projects at the same time in the video editor in real time. Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC, and Prelude CC support built-in version control, conflict resolution, and activity tracking so that project participants can collaborate no matter where they are. These features are now available in Creative Cloud for teams and organizations.
  • Improved subtitles. New subtitle capabilities allow you to quickly perform text manipulation, change the duration and position of text, and create visible and disabled subtitles.
  • Lumetri Color improvements. New color picker options let you instantly select HSL secondary colors, work with HDR10 files, and enjoy improved support for color space metadata.
  • Faster operation of the Dynamic Link function. Acceleration eliminates intermediate rendering and provides higher frame rates during playback.
  • Automatic recognition in virtual reality mode. Premiere Pro automatically recognizes the VR video format (monoscopic, left/right stereoscopic, or top/bottom stereoscopic) and applies the appropriate settings.
  • Publishing to Behance. Publish videos directly to your Behance portfolio – no more exporting or uploading videos separately.
  • Function Dynamic Link with support for Character Animator. This feature eliminates intermediate rendering and improves performance when working with the integrated Character Animator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro applications.
  • Improved interactive text templates. The new file format lets you share Live Text templates between Premiere Pro and After Effects. It does not require a separate After Effects license.
  • New start interface. In the new launch window, novice users will see an overview of the application’s features, a video processing example, and tutorials that allow you to quickly create a project based on a template.
  • Synchronization of Typekit fonts. You no longer have to manually add missing fonts when working with interactive text templates. Fonts are automatically synced and updated from Typekit.
  • Audition sound effects. New sound effects work in real time and provide high quality and fidelity of sound transmission.
  • Assigning keyboard shortcuts. Quick visual search, change and create keyboard shortcuts.
  • Simplified media addition. For easy file management, you can merge multiple recorded clips into one file.
  • Improved performance. With support for Apple Metal technology and other GPU features, including Offset, you can work even faster.
  • Import of additional native formats. Premiere Pro now supports even more formats, including native QT DNxHD/DNxHR and RED Helium

Adobe Premiere Pro Screenshots​

Voir la piĂšce jointe 83186

How to use Adobe Premiere Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Premiere Pro.

  1. Make sure you have installed Adobe App v5.9.0 (disable app updates in settings), CC Runtime 2023.1 and AntiCC 1.7
  2. Open the terminal and enter these strings:
    sudo spctl –global-disable
    xattr -cr and drag the Premiere pro installer
  3. Install Premiere pro
  4. Apply Crack
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif đŸ„‰
Level 1

Torrents Stats

19 Octobre 2023
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83185

Adobe Premiere Pro Overview​

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional non-linear video editing software. The application provides high-quality video editing of 4K resolution and above, with 32-bit color, both in RGB and YUV color space. Audio sample editing, support for VST audio plugins (plug-in) and 5.1 surround audio tracks. The Premiere Pro plug-in architecture allows you to import and export QuickTime or DirectShow container content, and supports a wide range of video and audio formats from MacOS and Windows.

Key Features of Adobe Premiere Pro​

  • Ease of collaboration with group projects. Group projects allow multiple users to work on projects at the same time in the video editor in real time. Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC, and Prelude CC support built-in version control, conflict resolution, and activity tracking so that project participants can collaborate no matter where they are. These features are now available in Creative Cloud for teams and organizations.
  • Improved subtitles. New subtitle capabilities allow you to quickly perform text manipulation, change the duration and position of text, and create visible and disabled subtitles.
  • Lumetri Color improvements. New color picker options let you instantly select HSL secondary colors, work with HDR10 files, and enjoy improved support for color space metadata.
  • Faster operation of the Dynamic Link function. Acceleration eliminates intermediate rendering and provides higher frame rates during playback.
  • Automatic recognition in virtual reality mode. Premiere Pro automatically recognizes the VR video format (monoscopic, left/right stereoscopic, or top/bottom stereoscopic) and applies the appropriate settings.
  • Publishing to Behance. Publish videos directly to your Behance portfolio – no more exporting or uploading videos separately.
  • Function Dynamic Link with support for Character Animator. This feature eliminates intermediate rendering and improves performance when working with the integrated Character Animator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro applications.
  • Improved interactive text templates. The new file format lets you share Live Text templates between Premiere Pro and After Effects. It does not require a separate After Effects license.
  • New start interface. In the new launch window, novice users will see an overview of the application’s features, a video processing example, and tutorials that allow you to quickly create a project based on a template.
  • Synchronization of Typekit fonts. You no longer have to manually add missing fonts when working with interactive text templates. Fonts are automatically synced and updated from Typekit.
  • Audition sound effects. New sound effects work in real time and provide high quality and fidelity of sound transmission.
  • Assigning keyboard shortcuts. Quick visual search, change and create keyboard shortcuts.
  • Simplified media addition. For easy file management, you can merge multiple recorded clips into one file.
  • Improved performance. With support for Apple Metal technology and other GPU features, including Offset, you can work even faster.
  • Import of additional native formats. Premiere Pro now supports even more formats, including native QT DNxHD/DNxHR and RED Helium

Adobe Premiere Pro Screenshots​

Voir la piĂšce jointe 83186

How to use Adobe Premiere Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Premiere Pro.

  1. Make sure you have installed Adobe App v5.9.0 (disable app updates in settings), CC Runtime 2023.1 and AntiCC 1.7
  2. Open the terminal and enter these strings:
    sudo spctl –global-disable
    xattr -cr and drag the Premiere pro installer
  3. Install Premiere pro
  4. Apply Crack
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅

Torrents Stats

18 Avril 2022
merci d'avance en espérant qu'il fonctionne


l'Actif đŸ„‰
Level 2

Torrents Stats

11 Janvier 2023
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83185

PrĂ©sentation d'Adobe Premiere Pro​

Adobe Premiere Pro est un logiciel professionnel de montage vidéo non linéaire. L'application permet un montage vidéo de haute qualité en résolution 4K et supérieure, avec des couleurs 32 bits, dans les espaces colorimétriques RVB et YUV. Elle prend également en charge le montage d'échantillons audio, les plug-ins audio VST et les pistes audio surround 5.1. L'architecture des plug-ins de Premiere Pro permet d'importer et d'exporter du contenu QuickTime ou DirectShow, et prend en charge une large gamme de formats vidéo et audio sous macOS et Windows.

Principales fonctionnalitĂ©s d'Adobe Premiere Pro​

  • Collaboration facilitĂ©e grĂące aux projets de groupe. Les projets de groupe permettent Ă  plusieurs utilisateurs de travailler simultanĂ©ment sur des projets dans le logiciel de montage vidĂ©o, en temps rĂ©el. Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC et Prelude CC prennent en charge le contrĂŽle de version, la rĂ©solution des conflits et le suivi des activitĂ©s, permettant ainsi aux participants de collaborer oĂč qu'ils soient. Ces fonctionnalitĂ©s sont dĂ©sormais disponibles dans Creative Cloud pour les Ă©quipes et les organisations.
  • Sous-titres amĂ©liorĂ©s. Les nouvelles fonctionnalitĂ©s de sous-titres vous permettent de manipuler rapidement le texte, d'en modifier la durĂ©e et la position, et de crĂ©er des sous-titres visibles ou non.
  • AmĂ©liorations de Lumetri Color. De nouvelles options de sĂ©lection de couleurs vous permettent de sĂ©lectionner instantanĂ©ment les couleurs secondaires HSL, de travailler avec les fichiers HDR10 et de bĂ©nĂ©ficier d'une meilleure prise en charge des mĂ©tadonnĂ©es de l'espace colorimĂ©trique.
  • Fonctionnement plus rapide de la fonction Dynamic Link. L'accĂ©lĂ©ration Ă©limine le rendu intermĂ©diaire et offre des frĂ©quences d'images plus Ă©levĂ©es pendant la lecture.
  • Reconnaissance automatique en mode rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle. Premiere Pro reconnaĂźt automatiquement le format vidĂ©o VR (monoscopique, stĂ©rĂ©oscopique gauche/droite ou stĂ©rĂ©oscopique haut/bas) et applique les paramĂštres appropriĂ©s.
  • Publication sur Behance. Publiez vos vidĂ©os directement dans votre portfolio Behance ; plus besoin de les exporter ou de les tĂ©lĂ©charger sĂ©parĂ©ment.
  • Fonction Dynamic Link avec prise en charge de Character Animator. Cette fonctionnalitĂ© Ă©limine le rendu intermĂ©diaire et amĂ©liore les performances avec les applications intĂ©grĂ©es Character Animator, After Effects et Premiere Pro.
  • ModĂšles de texte interactifs amĂ©liorĂ©s. Le nouveau format de fichier permet de partager des modĂšles de texte dynamique entre Premiere Pro et After Effects. Aucune licence After Effects distincte n'est requise.
  • Nouvelle interface de dĂ©marrage. Dans la nouvelle fenĂȘtre de lancement, les utilisateurs novices auront accĂšs Ă  un aperçu des fonctionnalitĂ©s de l'application, Ă  un exemple de traitement vidĂ©o et Ă  des tutoriels permettant de crĂ©er rapidement un projet Ă  partir d'un modĂšle.
  • Synchronisation des polices Typekit. Plus besoin d'ajouter manuellement les polices manquantes lorsque vous travaillez avec des modĂšles de texte interactifs. Les polices sont automatiquement synchronisĂ©es et mises Ă  jour depuis Typekit.
  • Auditionnez les effets sonores. Les nouveaux effets sonores fonctionnent en temps rĂ©el et offrent une qualitĂ© et une fidĂ©litĂ© de transmission sonore Ă©levĂ©es.
  • Attribution de raccourcis clavier. Recherche visuelle rapide, modification et crĂ©ation de raccourcis clavier.
  • Ajout de mĂ©dias simplifiĂ©. Pour une gestion simplifiĂ©e des fichiers, vous pouvez fusionner plusieurs clips enregistrĂ©s en un seul fichier.
  • Performances amĂ©liorĂ©es. GrĂące Ă  la prise en charge de la technologie Apple Metal et d'autres fonctionnalitĂ©s GPU, dont Offset, vous travaillez encore plus vite.
  • Importation de formats natifs supplĂ©mentaires. Premiere Pro prend dĂ©sormais en charge davantage de formats, notamment les formats natifs QT DNxHD/DNxHR et RED Helium.

Captures d'Ă©cran d'Adobe Premiere Pro​

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Comment utiliser Adobe Premiere Pro ?​

Suivez les instructions ci-dessous pour activer votre version d'Adobe Premiere Pro.

  1. Assurez-vous d'avoir installé Adobe App v5.9.0 (désactivez les mises à jour de l'application dans les paramÚtres), CC Runtime 2023.1 et AntiCC 1.7
  2. Ouvrez le terminal et entrez ces chaĂźnes :
    sudo spctl –global-disable
    xattr -cr et faites glisser le programme d’installation de Premiere Pro
  3. Installer Premiere Pro
  4. Appliquer Crack
  5. VoilĂ , profitez-en !
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
merci !


l'Actif đŸ„‰

Torrents Stats

26 Septembre 2021
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83185

Adobe Premiere Pro Overview​

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional non-linear video editing software. The application provides high-quality video editing of 4K resolution and above, with 32-bit color, both in RGB and YUV color space. Audio sample editing, support for VST audio plugins (plug-in) and 5.1 surround audio tracks. The Premiere Pro plug-in architecture allows you to import and export QuickTime or DirectShow container content, and supports a wide range of video and audio formats from MacOS and Windows.

Key Features of Adobe Premiere Pro​

  • Ease of collaboration with group projects. Group projects allow multiple users to work on projects at the same time in the video editor in real time. Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC, and Prelude CC support built-in version control, conflict resolution, and activity tracking so that project participants can collaborate no matter where they are. These features are now available in Creative Cloud for teams and organizations.
  • Improved subtitles. New subtitle capabilities allow you to quickly perform text manipulation, change the duration and position of text, and create visible and disabled subtitles.
  • Lumetri Color improvements. New color picker options let you instantly select HSL secondary colors, work with HDR10 files, and enjoy improved support for color space metadata.
  • Faster operation of the Dynamic Link function. Acceleration eliminates intermediate rendering and provides higher frame rates during playback.
  • Automatic recognition in virtual reality mode. Premiere Pro automatically recognizes the VR video format (monoscopic, left/right stereoscopic, or top/bottom stereoscopic) and applies the appropriate settings.
  • Publishing to Behance. Publish videos directly to your Behance portfolio – no more exporting or uploading videos separately.
  • Function Dynamic Link with support for Character Animator. This feature eliminates intermediate rendering and improves performance when working with the integrated Character Animator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro applications.
  • Improved interactive text templates. The new file format lets you share Live Text templates between Premiere Pro and After Effects. It does not require a separate After Effects license.
  • New start interface. In the new launch window, novice users will see an overview of the application’s features, a video processing example, and tutorials that allow you to quickly create a project based on a template.
  • Synchronization of Typekit fonts. You no longer have to manually add missing fonts when working with interactive text templates. Fonts are automatically synced and updated from Typekit.
  • Audition sound effects. New sound effects work in real time and provide high quality and fidelity of sound transmission.
  • Assigning keyboard shortcuts. Quick visual search, change and create keyboard shortcuts.
  • Simplified media addition. For easy file management, you can merge multiple recorded clips into one file.
  • Improved performance. With support for Apple Metal technology and other GPU features, including Offset, you can work even faster.
  • Import of additional native formats. Premiere Pro now supports even more formats, including native QT DNxHD/DNxHR and RED Helium

Adobe Premiere Pro Screenshots​

Voir la piĂšce jointe 83186

How to use Adobe Premiere Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Premiere Pro.

  1. Make sure you have installed Adobe App v5.9.0 (disable app updates in settings), CC Runtime 2023.1 and AntiCC 1.7
  2. Open the terminal and enter these strings:
    sudo spctl –global-disable
    xattr -cr and drag the Premiere pro installer
  3. Install Premiere pro
  4. Apply Crack
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

9 Octobre 2024
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83185

Adobe Premiere Pro Overview​

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional non-linear video editing software. The application provides high-quality video editing of 4K resolution and above, with 32-bit color, both in RGB and YUV color space. Audio sample editing, support for VST audio plugins (plug-in) and 5.1 surround audio tracks. The Premiere Pro plug-in architecture allows you to import and export QuickTime or DirectShow container content, and supports a wide range of video and audio formats from MacOS and Windows.

Key Features of Adobe Premiere Pro​

  • Ease of collaboration with group projects. Group projects allow multiple users to work on projects at the same time in the video editor in real time. Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC, and Prelude CC support built-in version control, conflict resolution, and activity tracking so that project participants can collaborate no matter where they are. These features are now available in Creative Cloud for teams and organizations.
  • Improved subtitles. New subtitle capabilities allow you to quickly perform text manipulation, change the duration and position of text, and create visible and disabled subtitles.
  • Lumetri Color improvements. New color picker options let you instantly select HSL secondary colors, work with HDR10 files, and enjoy improved support for color space metadata.
  • Faster operation of the Dynamic Link function. Acceleration eliminates intermediate rendering and provides higher frame rates during playback.
  • Automatic recognition in virtual reality mode. Premiere Pro automatically recognizes the VR video format (monoscopic, left/right stereoscopic, or top/bottom stereoscopic) and applies the appropriate settings.
  • Publishing to Behance. Publish videos directly to your Behance portfolio – no more exporting or uploading videos separately.
  • Function Dynamic Link with support for Character Animator. This feature eliminates intermediate rendering and improves performance when working with the integrated Character Animator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro applications.
  • Improved interactive text templates. The new file format lets you share Live Text templates between Premiere Pro and After Effects. It does not require a separate After Effects license.
  • New start interface. In the new launch window, novice users will see an overview of the application’s features, a video processing example, and tutorials that allow you to quickly create a project based on a template.
  • Synchronization of Typekit fonts. You no longer have to manually add missing fonts when working with interactive text templates. Fonts are automatically synced and updated from Typekit.
  • Audition sound effects. New sound effects work in real time and provide high quality and fidelity of sound transmission.
  • Assigning keyboard shortcuts. Quick visual search, change and create keyboard shortcuts.
  • Simplified media addition. For easy file management, you can merge multiple recorded clips into one file.
  • Improved performance. With support for Apple Metal technology and other GPU features, including Offset, you can work even faster.
  • Import of additional native formats. Premiere Pro now supports even more formats, including native QT DNxHD/DNxHR and RED Helium

Adobe Premiere Pro Screenshots​

Voir la piĂšce jointe 83186

How to use Adobe Premiere Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Premiere Pro.

  1. Make sure you have installed Adobe App v5.9.0 (disable app updates in settings), CC Runtime 2023.1 and AntiCC 1.7
  2. Open the terminal and enter these strings:
    sudo spctl –global-disable
    xattr -cr and drag the Premiere pro installer
  3. Install Premiere pro
  4. Apply Crack
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
merci tu dépannes de ouf


l'Accru đŸ„‡
Level 1

Torrents Stats

13 Octobre 2020
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83185

Adobe Premiere Pro Overview​

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional non-linear video editing software. The application provides high-quality video editing of 4K resolution and above, with 32-bit color, both in RGB and YUV color space. Audio sample editing, support for VST audio plugins (plug-in) and 5.1 surround audio tracks. The Premiere Pro plug-in architecture allows you to import and export QuickTime or DirectShow container content, and supports a wide range of video and audio formats from MacOS and Windows.

Key Features of Adobe Premiere Pro​

  • Ease of collaboration with group projects. Group projects allow multiple users to work on projects at the same time in the video editor in real time. Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC, and Prelude CC support built-in version control, conflict resolution, and activity tracking so that project participants can collaborate no matter where they are. These features are now available in Creative Cloud for teams and organizations.
  • Improved subtitles. New subtitle capabilities allow you to quickly perform text manipulation, change the duration and position of text, and create visible and disabled subtitles.
  • Lumetri Color improvements. New color picker options let you instantly select HSL secondary colors, work with HDR10 files, and enjoy improved support for color space metadata.
  • Faster operation of the Dynamic Link function. Acceleration eliminates intermediate rendering and provides higher frame rates during playback.
  • Automatic recognition in virtual reality mode. Premiere Pro automatically recognizes the VR video format (monoscopic, left/right stereoscopic, or top/bottom stereoscopic) and applies the appropriate settings.
  • Publishing to Behance. Publish videos directly to your Behance portfolio – no more exporting or uploading videos separately.
  • Function Dynamic Link with support for Character Animator. This feature eliminates intermediate rendering and improves performance when working with the integrated Character Animator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro applications.
  • Improved interactive text templates. The new file format lets you share Live Text templates between Premiere Pro and After Effects. It does not require a separate After Effects license.
  • New start interface. In the new launch window, novice users will see an overview of the application’s features, a video processing example, and tutorials that allow you to quickly create a project based on a template.
  • Synchronization of Typekit fonts. You no longer have to manually add missing fonts when working with interactive text templates. Fonts are automatically synced and updated from Typekit.
  • Audition sound effects. New sound effects work in real time and provide high quality and fidelity of sound transmission.
  • Assigning keyboard shortcuts. Quick visual search, change and create keyboard shortcuts.
  • Simplified media addition. For easy file management, you can merge multiple recorded clips into one file.
  • Improved performance. With support for Apple Metal technology and other GPU features, including Offset, you can work even faster.
  • Import of additional native formats. Premiere Pro now supports even more formats, including native QT DNxHD/DNxHR and RED Helium

Adobe Premiere Pro Screenshots​

Voir la piĂšce jointe 83186

How to use Adobe Premiere Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of Adobe Premiere Pro.

  1. Make sure you have installed Adobe App v5.9.0 (disable app updates in settings), CC Runtime 2023.1 and AntiCC 1.7
  2. Open the terminal and enter these strings:
    sudo spctl –global-disable
    xattr -cr and drag the Premiere pro installer
  3. Install Premiere pro
  4. Apply Crack
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'AffirmĂ© đŸ„ˆ
Level 1

Torrents Stats

9 Juillet 2020
on va tester frérot !
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