zKoth - King of the Hill

Jean Le Berre

Donateur ❤
Level 2

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8 Août 2019
Description :
Discord: https://discord.gg/MF7F6r




  • Optimize - The plugin is based on TemplatePlugin, which guarantees a great optimization of the plugin
  • Unlimited totem - Create as many koths as you want
  • Unlimited activation - Launch as many koths at the same time as you want
  • Compatible plugins - You have FactionUUID, lien ou image supprimée, and LegacyFaction which are currently supported, but if you have ideas of other plugins to add you can come and ask me on discord: https://discord.gg/eQPZpuC (Have the plugin API you can easily add your own plugin very easily !)
  • Javadoc: image ou lien HS supprimé

  • koth » Show commands (zkoth.use)
  • /koth create <koth name> » Create a koth (zkoth.create)
  • /koth delete <koth name> » Delete a koth (zkoth.delete)
  • /koth show » Show koths (zkoth.show)
  • /koth spawn <zkoth name> » Spawn a koth (zkoth.spawn)
  • /koth now <koth name> » Spawn a koth without cooldown (zkoth.now)
  • /koth stop <koth name> » Stop a koth (zkoth.stop)
  • /koth version » Show plugin version
  • /koth reload » Reload configuration (zkoth.reload)
  • /koth set pos1/pos2<koth name> » Set koth location (zkoth.set)
  • /koth scheduler » Show scheduler commands (zkoth.scheduler)
  • /koth scheduler list » Show scheduler list (zkoth.scheduler)
  • /koth scheduler remove <uuid> » Remove a scheduler (zkoth.scheduler)
  • /koth scheduler add <delay/repeat> <koth name> <day/minute> [<hour>] [<minute>] » Add scheduler (zkoth.scheduler)
  • Example: /koth scheduler add repeat mykoth 120 » koth mykoth will appear every two hours
  • Example 2: /koth scheduler add delay mykoth monday 15 30 » koth mykoth will appear every Monday at 3.30 p.m.
Config.json: Lang.json:
Add your own plugin
JavaDocs: image ou lien HS supprimé

Source : lien ou image supprimée
Téléchargement : https://veryleaks.is/resources/zkoth-king-of-the-hill-1-0-1-4.8600/

Bon jeu :)
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