Wurst 6.11 - MC 1.12.1 Support, Better Keybind System


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22 Décembre 2015


  • Added Minecraft 1.12.1 compatibility mode. (experimental) (MC 1.12 & 1.12 OF)

  • Renamed .binds clear to .binds remove.

  • Renamed .binds clear-all to .binds remove-all.

  • .binds add will now add new keybinds instead of adding new commands to existing keybinds.

  • Keybinds can now be set to either toggle hacks or run commands. (.binds add r killaura and .binds add r .t killaura are both valid.)

  • Keybinds that don’t start with a dot will now be interpreted as commands rather than chat messages. (.binds add h Hello world. is no longer valid, but .binds add h .say Hello world. is.)

  • In addition to using ; in keybinds to separate multiple hacks/commands, one can now also use ;; to run a single command that contains ;. (.binds add h .say Hello;; world. is now valid and will output Hello; world.when pressed.)

  • Improved Keybind Manager performance.

  • Keybinds are now saved in a different format, but older keybinds.json files will be updated automatically.

  • Re-worded an error message in the installer that some users found difficult to understand.

  • Removed .binds set.
Update: Wurst 6.11.1
  • Fixed MC 1.12.1 mode using the wrong protocol number. (MC 1.12 & 1.12 OF)

Wurst Client v6.11.1 MC 1.12 - 1.12.1
Wurst Client v6.11.1 MC 1.12 - 1.12.1 OptiFine
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