Kingdoms+ Battle for Land, Might and Glory 1.8.8 - 1.12


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26 Novembre 2015

Source : Lien Supprimé ou HS
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he plugin of empires and champions!
Let your players battle for land, might and bonuses!

Official Server for Kingdoms!

Use this page to report bugs, give suggestions, or ask for API help
lien ou image supprimée

Language Packs

Kingdoms language file is english by default
Italian[v12.6.0] by @TommyDas
Spanish[v12.7.0] by @LUNATICOS
Russian[v13.2.18] by @Myaugav
French[v13.1.6] by @tryolivier
Chinese/中文[v13.2.25] by @qq30121037
PM me if you want to add your language file here!


Here's an informative video by me, on some of the basic gameplay of the plugin

Here's a video by WolfFireSword

And here's more videos by others (Including some other languages)


Kingdoms is a plugin similar to the popular Factions plugin, but with many changes to the gameplay. It allows a player to create his own Kingdom, protect land with the kingdom, and invade other's land for resources (and for fun). Players can also trade in items for resourcepoints, to buy upgrades, turrets and boosts from their Kingdom's nexus block. What you want traded, and the amount traded is fully configurable and very flexible!

Includes a (painstakingly made) idiot-proof guide for new players to learn how to use Kingdoms. Simply direct new players to do /k info, and all the info will be presented nicely to them. If you think it's not idiot-proof enough, feel free to suggest more ideas, or simply mention it, and I'll try my best to make it more idiot-proof


Java 8 and above is needed
Lien Supprimé ou HS is needed.
Spigot or Bukkit 1.8.8++ is needed.
Paper spigot has been reported to cause issues.
>The download will give you Kingdoms.jar
>Place the file in your server's plugin file.
>Run the server to start kingdoms


  • Lien Supprimé ou HSIntegration
  • Java 8 required for Kingdoms+ to run
  • Factions-like! Commands designed to suit your players, who are used to playing on Factions!
  • Auto backup system! Backups made when server shuts down, and can be automatically done every few hours
  • Noob guide! Simply tell them to do /k info, and it will teach them all the basics!
  • Messages Configuration! Configure core messages of Kingdoms! Color code support as well! (Full message editing 95% complete)
  • New land expiring! No more overcrowded worlds full of afk kingdoms!
  • Interactive GUI for Kings to manage Kingdom permissions!
  • Inter-Kingdom private chests! Simple to manage private chests to counter spies!
  • Economy! Config option to allow players to convert money into resourcepoints! (Requires Vault)
  • MySQL support! Use /k admin import from console to use this feature.
  • Console command to give a specific player's kingdom points, very useful for BuyCraft!
  • Donate to your allies!
  • Kingdom tag limit!
  • Kingdoms chat!
  • Full UUID support!
  • Smart Champion! Champion can now drag and prevent block building from its attackers!
  • Safezone Warzone to prevent players from claiming certain chunks!
  • Turrets and Mines! Owners and mods can buy turrets for their kingdoms!
  • Invasion notifications!
  • Players can do /k defend to counter enemy invasions!
  • Supports worldguard! Prevent players from claiming important parts of your regions and stop them from placing nexuses in your regions!
  • Supports java 8 and above!
  • Per world disable! Allow this only on worlds you desire!
  • More invading action than Factions! Players can claim large areas, and others can invade it even if the player is offline, allowing for more interesting experiences, and also an excuse to keep coming back!
  • Nexus GUI! Showing player resource points, upgrades, champion upgrades and so on!
  • A /k info! Players only need one sign telling them to do so, and they can see how to use Kingdoms on their own!

  • Lien Supprimé ou HSintegration!
  • Lien Supprimé ou HS integration!
  • Lien Supprimé ou HS integration!
  • Lien Supprimé ou HS integration!
  • Lien Supprimé ou HSintegration!
  • Lien Supprimé ou HS integration!
  • Lien Supprimé ou HSintegration!



  • A mode activated by admins, through /k admin masswar [time in minutes]
  • Players can invade for free
  • Use mass war for server events! Let your players gain the motivation to begin your server's climax!


Nexus GUI overview

The Structure Shop sells placable structures like powercells and outposts


Purchase powerful turrets from the turret shop!


Misc Upgrades Overview


Upgrade your Kingdom's champion to better defend your land!


Flame turrets (Wither skull), and Arrow Turrets (Skeleton Skull) firing at a zombie. Healing stations are Zombie Skulls, while Psionic Turrets are Creeper Skulls


Kingdoms Map preview

/k top preview


Examples of Kingdom chat:
Chat format for normal Kingdom Members

Chat format for Kingdom Mods

Chat format for Kingdom Kings


Private Signs system for Kingdoms
Shift and place a sign on your chest to protect, and type the following:

This is how it should look like

You can even add users for the chest through an interactive GUI!

Kingdoms private chests are a way to counter spies. The Kingdom King can, by default, open all chests. If the land where the private signs are, is unclaimed, the chests will no longer be private.

Lien Supprimé ou HSLien Supprimé ou HSintegration to bring more user-friendly features!

Lien Supprimé ou HSintegration to bring more user-friendly features!

ScoreboardStats Help

To add Kingdoms values to Lien Supprimé ou HS:

Dynmap Integration! Map which marks kingdom's land with their own unique colors, and displays kingdom information!

Giving resourcepoints to a player's kingdom through buycraft

for Placeholder API:
The plugin will add these placeholders to Placeholder API:
%kingdoms_kingdom% shows a player's kingdom
%kingdoms_haskingdom% shows if player has kingdom or not
%kingdoms_rp% Shows a player's kingdom's resourcepoints
%kingdoms_land% Shows a player's kingdom's land count
%kingdoms_onlinemembers% Shows a player's kingdom's online members count
%kingdoms_members% Shows a player's kingdom's total member count
%kingdoms_king% Shows a player's kingdom's king
%kingdoms_rank% Shows a player's kingdom rank icon

for MVdWPlaceholderAPI:
The plugin will add these placeholders to MVdWPlaceholderAPI:
{kingdom} shows a player's kingdom
{rp} Shows a player's kingdom's resourcepoints
{land} Shows a player's kingdom's land count
{onlinemembers} Shows a player's kingdom's online members count
{members} Shows a player's kingdom's total member count
{king} Shows a player's kingdom's king
{rank} Shows a player's kingdom rank icon

Just a tip: If you feel that it is too easy to get upgrades, raise the value of "items-needed-for-one-resource-point" in the config. It will raise the difficulty of obtaining resource points.


Adding vault will enable you to use economy in Kingdoms. It allows the usage of /k deposit (Can be disabled in config, by setting economy.enabled to false.)

You can earn resourcepoints by using your money in kingdoms.


Here is the information of the existent turrets in Kingdoms.

Arrow Turret

A turret that fires at moderate speed. Shoots normal arrows, dealing moderate damage. Strong against moderately armored single targets

Flame Turret

A turret that fires rapidly. Shoots arrows that set targets on fire, but deal lesser damage. Strong against lightly armored, moderate amounts of targets.

Healing Station

Heals surrounding kingdom members periodically. Stacks with each other. Doesn't attack.

Psionic Totem

Damages all surrounding non-ally players with powerful Psionic strikes. Severely slows targets, while dealing 3 hearts of damage that ignores armor. Cannot damage players with 4 hearts or less, but will still apply severe slow. Does not attack non-players. Very strong in delaying players and disorientating them. Works very well with other turrets. Can hit through walls for a nasty surprise.

Hellfire Turret

A powerful rapidfire turret that fires dual charged arrows at long range. The highly improved version of the Arrow turret, with two times the damage and attack speed, and a longer range. Strong against moderate numbers of targets with heavy armor

Soldier Spawner

A mythical turret that can summon undead to defend your territory. Periodically summons zombie soldiers on targets. Can summon through walls. Does not target non-players. Very strong against targets with poor weapons.

Heatbeam Turret

A turret that sports a colorful beam to constantly fry your enemies. Can hit multiple enemies with one hit, though can only aim at one enemy at a time. Does constant damage to targets in range. Hits all enemies in between it's target. Strong against moderately armored players and mobs, and if targets stays in range, strong against heavily armored players and mobs.

Conquests is a Kingdoms "minigame" that basically allows players to fight over virtual land. Players can purchase defences for their virtual land, and these lands provide rp every hour.
All information regarding conquests can be found here. However, do note that conquests isn't actively worked on because when I did a survey on who was using it, 90% of the buyers who replied (40 replies) didn't use conquests at all.



Non-bolded: Player commands
Bolded: Admin commands

  • /k (Shows all commands)
  • /k nexus (Allows you to replace a block in your land with your nexus. )
  • /k info (Shows how Kingdoms works)
  • /k join [kingdom] (Use to join another Kingdom. Must be invited.)
  • /k create [kingdom] (Use to create a kingdom with the name.) kingdoms.create
  • /k claim (Use to claim land where you are standing. Costs 5 resource points, and awards 5 might)
  • /k unclaim (Use to unclaim one of your lands. Refund 5 resource points, but deducts 5 might)
  • /k invade (Use when standing on land that doesn't belong to your kingdom. Spends 10 resource points to challenge their kingdom's champion. If you win, you gain that land and 5 might)
  • /k show [kingdom] (Shows censored information on a particular kingdom. Doesn't show their allies and enemies)
  • /k show (Shows your own information. Shows allies and enemies)
  • /k king [player] (Passes leadership of your Kingdom to another, turning you into a mod, and that player into a King)
  • /k mod [player] (Mods a player in your Kingdom)
  • /k demote [player] (Unmods a mod in your Kingdom)
  • /k kick [player] (Forcefully remove a player from your kingdom)
  • /k invite [player] (Invites a player to your kingdom)
  • /k accept (Accepts an invitation)
  • /k decline (Declines an invitation)
  • /k sethome (Sets kingdom home)
  • /k home (Goes to kingdom home if it is still valid, not claimed etc)
  • /k leave (Leaves your current kingdom)
  • /k ally [kingdom/playername] (Allies another kingdom)
  • /k enemy [kingdom/playername] (Enemies another kingdom)
  • /k neutral [kingdom/playername] (Neutralizes all kingdom relations)
  • /k map [on/off] (Shows surrounding territory) permission:
  • /k donate [kingdom] [amount] (Donates an amount to another kingdom)
  • /k chat [k,a,p] (Change chat settings)
  • /k tradable (Shows items that can and cannot be traded for resourcepoints)
  • /k top (Shows top 10 richest kingdoms in terms of resourcepoints)
  • /k admin (Shows admin commands)
  • /k admin toggle (Toggles admin mode, allowing you to destroy, place and attack players anywhere)
  • /k admin safezone (Claims a safezone patch)
  • /k admin warzone (Claims a warzone patch)
  • /k admin clear(Forcefully unclaim a non-nexus piece if land)
  • /k admin rp [kingdom] [amount] (Adds/subtracts the amount from a kingdom. Negative amount to subtract, positive amount to add.)
  • /k admin masswar [time in minutes] (Starts a Mass War for the time specified.)
  • /k admin forcestopmasswar (Forces an ongoing mass war to stop)
  • /k admin seenexus [kingdom] (Opens the specified kingdom's Nexus Chest)
  • /k admin backup (Creates a backup of the current kingdoms database files)
  • /k admin import <mysql/file>


Code (Text):
#General settings
Enable: true
#Let the plugin enable itself
Debug: false
#Debug mode: Turn on debugging messages. Only for developer use.
Lang: eng
#The lang file to use
serverName: yourServer
#Server name. Not really used.
minutes-per-backup: 43200
#How long between the times Kingdoms backs up the files
allow-pacifist: false
#Pacifism is basically allowing a kingdom to be uninvadable, provided that the kingdom doesn't invade something else
#SQL settings.
Enabled: false
DBAddr: localhost
DBName: somedb
DBUser: root
DBPassword: '1234'
#As stated above. Don't touch.
grabPlayerFromFileDB: false
grabLandFromFileDB: false
grabKingdomsFromFileDB: false
grabConquestMapsFromFileDB: false
#Worlds where Kingdoms can function in
- world
no-region-claim: true
#Are players allowed to claim in worldguard regions?
warzone-free-pvp: false
#Are players in warzone free to pvp, regardless of kingdoms?
kingdom-expiry-days: 999
#Days before a kingdom is deleted for inactivity
#Commands that cannot be used in neutral kingdom territory
- /example
- /example1
#Commands that cannot be used in enemy kingdom territory
- /sethome
- /essentials:sethome
- /derpcommand with any arguments
disableFlowIntoLand: true
#Disable lava/water flowing into other land
showLandEnterMessage: true
#Display land entering message
nexusMiningAmount: 20
#The amount of RP stolen when you mine a nexus
enable-private-chests: true
#Enabled protected chests
explosion-immune: true
#Are protected chests immune to explosions?
useWorldguardSupport: true
useTitleAPISupport: false
useActionBarAPISupport: true
useScoreboardStatsSupport: true
usePlaceHolderAPISupport: true
useMVdWPlaceHolderAPISupport: true
useDynmapSupport: true
useHolographicSupport: true
protectNeutralLandFromExplosions: false
#Stuff for other plugin support

enabled: false
max-supply-for-one-land: 100
per-turret: 30
wall: 50
spawner: 50
time-in-minutes-to-apply-rewards-and-upkeep: 60
turret: 100
wall: 200
spawner: 100
perland: 1
percapital: 200
empty-land: 100
enemy-land: 100
enemy-capital-land: 500
empty-capital: 500
canAttackCapitalInFullyOccupiedLand: false
attack-cooldown-in-minutes: 30
thor-delay: 5.0
#The delay in seconds between each time Thor strikes
#Vault support
enabled: false
money-needed-for-one-rp: 10
#Amount of money to trade for 1 RP
markers-on-by-default: true
#If land markers are on when a player joins
items-needed-for-one-resource-point: 5
#Amount of items needed to trade for one resource point
claim-cost: 5
#Cost to claim land
invade-cost: 10
#Cost to attempt an invasion on another land
#Extractor stuff
reward-delay-in-minutes: 1440
reward-amount: 100
#Amount of Extractor RP reward
minimum-members-online-to-be-invaded: 0
#Min. number of members that need to be online in defending kingdom to be invaded
land-per-member: 5
#How much land can a kingdom claim for each member they have?
maximum-land-claims: 0
#What is the maximum amount of land a kingdom can have? Set to 0 for infinite
#Blocks that cannot be replaced by structures and nexus
#Items that you can right click with in other kingdoms land. You still cannot interact with storage blocks even if you're holding one of these.
#Costs of various Kingdoms stuff in RP
dmg-reduc: 70
regen-boost: 70
dmg-boost: 70
arrow-boost: 100
maxmembers: 10
anticreeper: 20
antitrample: 50
bombshards: 1000
glory: 200
nexusguard: 100
psioniccore: 500
health: 1
speed: 20
resist: 10
weapon: 10
duel: 100
drag: 30
mock: 10
thor: 300
damagecap: 300
plow: 600
strength: 500
armor: 300
reinforcements: 800
mimic: 600
focus: 700
determination: 5
xpbottle: 5
powercell: 250
outpost: 250
extractor: 1000
warppad: 5000
arrowturret: 100
nexustower: 300
flameturret: 150
pressuremine: 2
chemicalmine: 1
healingstation: 100
psionictotem: 250
soldierspawner: 500
hellfireturret: 300
heatbeamturret: 200
simplified-model: 1000
flurry: 1000
concentrated-blast: 1000
virulent-plague: 1000
improved-healing: 1000
voodoo: 3000
final-service: 3000
hellstorm: 5000
unrelenting-gaze: 5000
#Maximum level of various Kingdoms upgrades
dmg-reduc: 75
regen-boost: 200
dmg-boost: 80
arrow-boost: 100
maxmembers: 30
health: 2048
determination: 2048
speed: 5
resist: 100
weapon: 10
duel: 1
drag: 1
mock: 6
thor: 10
damagecap: 1
plow: 1
strength: 50
armor: 5
reinforcements: 2
mimic: 1
focus: 1
destroy-extra-turrets-to-enforce-max: false
#Destroy extra turrets in land to stick to the maximum values?
#The max number of the specified turret per land
arrowturret: 1000
flameturret: 1000
pressuremine: 1000
chemicalmine: 1000
healingstation: 1000
psionictotem: 1000
soldierspawner: 1000
hellfireturret: 1000
heatbeamturret: 1000
#Turret upgrades
simplified-model: true
flurry: true
concentrated-blast: true
virulent-plague: true
improved-healing: true
voodoo: true
final-service: true
hellstorm: true
unrelenting-gaze: true
#Enabled/disable various Kingdoms upgrades and purchaseables
dmgreduc: true
regenboost: true
dmgboost: true
arrowboost: true
protect-storage-blocks: true
antitrample: true
protect-storage-blocks: true
glory: true
nexusguard: true
psioniccore: true
speed: true
resist: true
weapon: true
duel: true
drag: true
mock: true
thor: true
damagecap: true
plow: true
strength: true
armor: true
reinforcements: true
mimic: true
focus: true
determination: false
powercell: true
outpost: true
extractor: true
warppad: true
arrow: true
flameturret: true
pressuremine: true
chemicalmine: true
healingtower: true
psionictotem: true
soldierspawner: true
hellfire: true
heatbeam: true
no-building-in-unoccupied-land: false
#If this is enabled, you need to claim land in order to build in it.
use-whitelist: false
#RP trading options. If you use whitelist, only the items specified in whitelist can be traded in.
resource-point-trade-blacklist: []
#Items that CANNOT be traded
whitelist-items: []
#Whitelist. Needs "use-whitelist" enabled to be used. Use the format: [ITEM],[ITEM VALUE] or [ITEM]:[DATA],[ITEM VALUE]
#Items that give more RP than usual. Use the format: [ITEM],[ITEM VALUE] or [ITEM]:[DATA],[ITEM VALUE]
#Do note that warzone and safezone are not supported because you can use worldguard, and it's much easier to manage.
#What can you interact with in safezone?
#What can you interact with in warzone?
khome-delay: 3
#Delay before teleporting, when using /k home
invite_expire_delay: 10
#Time in seconds before an invite expires
useKingdomPrefixes: true
#Use Kingdom Prefixes in chat?
#Gamemodes which can access the Nexus


Q: When I add color codes to my language file, some words disappear. Is there a way to solve this?
A: Yes. Quote the language setting that you want to color, eg:
Code (Text):
- "&bWhat is Kingdoms?"
instead of
Code (Text):
- &bWhat is Kingdoms?
Q: Can you make it so that people must be in a radius of [x] blocks to the nexus before invading it?
A: Then people can build a thick block layer of [x] blocks around it, and cause balance issues. You won't want that won't you?


Black (Will be added/Never ends)
Red (Highly suggested, but may not add)
Purple (Will add if time permits)
Blue (Planned/Designed, but may not add)
  • 100% message editing (95%)
  • More config options
  • More turrets
  • Invader upgrades
  • More misc upgrades
  • Schematic implementation
  • Mob army
  • + A lot more...

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