FreshUHC - ¡The Best UHC Host plugin! (Last Version)

Jean Le Berre

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Level 2

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8 Août 2019
Description :
The new version of FreshUHC is here!

This is the new version of FreshUHC, after so many months paused due to personal, economic and my country's problems, this project is once again active!

It should be noted that this project as of this moment and this version (v6.X) is still in development, so some bugs may occur when using it. If you see any, please report it via DIRECT MESSAGE either here (Spigot) or through my twitter


» Introduction «

A modality where you start in a normal world with a large number of players spawned in random coordinates, you must survive and equip yourself the best possible !, life does not regenerate by itself, the only way to recover life is with golden apples, the edge Starts moving from minute 45, then every 5 minutes will be reduced to 25x25 deathmatch, the last player alive is the winner!


Saved statistics.
» MySQL support
» FlatFile (.YML) support - ¡NEW!
→ Border support for MC versions 1.7.x.

» You can configure the main block.
» You can configure the height of the border.
→ Integrated Twitter system.
» Easy to set up.
» Post a game to your twitter account.
» Post the winners on your twitter account.

→ 24 scenarios available with in-game configuration!.
» CutClean
» Timber
» Blood-Diamond
» Blood-Gold
» Diamondless
» Goldless
» Horseless
» Fireless
» Absorptionless
» NoFall
» Bowless
» Rodless
» Timebomb
» GoldenHead
» NoClean
» LuckyKill
» ExtraInventory
» LuckyLeaves
» NoEnchant
» Soup
» Barebones
» SupplyChest
» Backpack (Only for teams)
» Team Reviver (Only for teams)
→ Integrated Staff System
» Information on the Scoreboard (see photos)
» Vanish and private chat integrated!
» Items for ease of moderation

→ Integrated and optimized chunk preload.
» You can select whether to load the chunks with the integrated system or to use WorldBorder.
» You can configure the amount of chunks to load.

→ Fully configurable messages and options!
» You can translate 95% of the messages!
» You can create a default configuration!

→ Pre-whitelist and post-whitelist support.
» You can configure the nicks to be added in the prewhitelist in the config.yml
» You can configure the post-whitelist time.

→ In-game configuration support
» You can configure the in-game game

→ Integrated Practice
» You can configure the spawns of the practice.
» Enable or disable the noClean in practice.
» Set the maximum players allowed in practice.
» Options and moderation in-game via commands & menus.
» Fully configurable practice kit.

→ Integrated teams system
» You can enable or disable in-game team mode.
» You can enable or disable friendly fire.
» You can enable or disable projectile damage.
» You can configure the maximum number of players per team.
» You can configure the maximum number of teams.
» Option to reset / delete all teams in seconds.

→ Combat-tag & Combat-Logger (Villager) integrated.
» You can configure the Combat-tag time
» You can configure the Combat-Logger time
→ Fully configurable starter kit
» You can fully configure the starter kit
» INFO: Leave your inventory empty so as not to give a starter kit.

FreshUHC has been tested in WinderNode
package 6GB RAM.

Version: v6.X (Latest)
Min TPS: 18.12
Max TPS: 20.1


All dependencies that are left below are completely mandatory! If you do not have any of the dependencies the plugin will not be able to walk properly!

→ Java 8.
→ Download Spigot v1.7.10 or v1.8.8.
» Click here for download SPIGOT v1_7_R4 «
» Click here for download SPIGOT v1_8_R3 «

MultiverseCore (Recomended)
TerrainControl (Recomended)
» Click here for download TerrainControl 1.8.8
» Click here for download TerrainControl 1.7.10

TerrainControl Pre-configuration (Recomended)
• Caves 6.0
• Biomes configurated


• Installing the plugin:
) Buy and download the plugin.
2) Download the dependencies that were left in the post!
3) Place the plugin and its dependencies in the "/plugins/" folder.

• In-game plugin configuration:
Then you should follow each step for the plugin to work properly, if you make mistakes in one repeat steps! Read it carefully

1) Start the server to create the config.yml file and then close it. (If it is the first time you install it, it will close automatically)

2) Open the UHC config.yml and configure your MySQL database, remember to put the data well. (As advice, the 'port' of MySQL does not change)

3) Once the database is configured, you start the server again and wait for it to start correctly, if so, you can proceed to translate and configure the rest of the plugin, if it does not start and stop again, check to place the database well .

4) When you have everything configured to your liking, enter the server and set a spawn, otherwise the players will be typed to random coordinates, for this we will use the command: /setspawn.

After all that, we will have correctly configured our UHC-Host server, if you have problems in the installation you can ask for support, above you will see how!


How to configure Twitter API:

To be able to configure the Twitter API, it is very easy.
1) We must enter the Twitter account where the UHC will be published.
2) We enter to:
3) Once inside the Apps page, we will create a new App.
4) We will fill in the fields that you request and we create the application


5) Once the application is created, we go to Keys and Access Tokens

6) We will copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret to the Twitter configuration

7) We go below, and we will create our Access Token.

8) Once we have created our Access Tokens, we will copy and paste them into the Twitter configuration.

And voila, we will have configured the Twitter API in our UHC.



• Commands & Permissions:
→ /uhc ↔ commands for hosters and moderators.
» /uhc setlobby ↔ Permissions: uhc.admin
» /uhc config ↔ Terms: only for hosters.
» /uhc give <player> <item:data> <quantity> ↔ Terms: moderators & hosters.
» /uhc giveall <item:data> <quantity> ↔ Terms: moderators & hosters.
» /uhc sethost <player> ↔ Terms: only for hosters.
» /uhc setmod <player> ↔ Terms: only for hosters.
» /uhc setspectator <player>↔ Terms: only for hosters.
» /uhc mutechat ↔ Terms: moderators & hosters.
» /uhc respawn ↔ Terms: moderators & hosters.
» /uhc speckick ↔ Terms: only for hosters.
» /uhc staff ↔ Permissions: uhc.command.staff

→ /start
» Hosters not need permission.
» Permission: uhc.command.forcestart
→ /stats ↔ no permission.
→ /practice ↔ no permission.
→ /scenarios ↔ no permission.

→ /health (/h) ↔ no permission.
→ /killcount (/kc) ↔ no permission.
→ /rescatter ↔ Permissions: uhc.command.rescatter
→ /whitelist
» Permission VIP: uhc.whitelist.<variable>
» Permission Staff: uhc.command.whitelist
» Only for hosters.
→ /list ↔ no permission.
→ /topkills (/tk-/kt) ↔ no permission.
→ /topdiamonds (/td-/dt) ↔ Only for mods/hosters.
→ /rules ↔ no permission.
→ /helpop
» Players not need permission.
» Moderators need uhc.helpop.receive permission
» For bypass timing use uhc.helpop.timer.bypass permission.
→ /staffchat
» Moderators and hosters not need permissions.
» Permission: uhc.command.staffchat
→ /extrainv ↔ no permission.
→ /backpack (/bp) ↔ no permission
• Others Permissions:
→ uhc.whitelist.bypass ↔ for bypass whitelist.
→ uhc.postwhitelist.bypass ↔ for join post-whitelist.
→ uhc.antispam.bypass ↔ Bypass anti-spam.
→ ↔ Bypass mutechat.
→ uhc.joinfull.bypass ↔ for join with arena full.
→ uhc.ingame.bypass ↔ for join with arena in game.
→ uhc.teamfull.bypass ↔ for bypass max-players per teams!
→ uhc.teamname.color ↔ for add colors to your team name!
→ uhc.spectator.bypass ↔ For spectate with DeathKick enable.


Please read...
If you buy this plugin you will accept the following terms of use and service..

1) You are not allowed to distribute the plugin (it will only be used for you).
2) You are not allowed to decompile the plugin without permission.
3) You will agree not to place any stupid or bad reviews without first asking for help or support.
4) You will agree not to make any claim of money back.
5) You will accept that I have the right to change the price of the product (the plugin will improve every day, there may be price increase, or discounts for holidays)

Source :¡best-45-off-discount.43742/
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